On-site Kintsugi Workshop as Team Building Activities!

On-site Kintsugi Workshop as Team Building Activities!

We have been receiving many requests to hold large-scale kintsugi workshops outside our studios, not only for tourists, but also for corporate team building and/or large events.

Since our studios are not large enough (the maximum number of participants per workshop is 6 at the Ebisu and 13 at the Asakusa studio), we are willing to visit your office, hotel, or the other location of your choice for a kintsugi workshop.

1. How to reserve a kintsugi workshop at your place

    Please send us the following information via email from our contact page. (Since we operate with a small number of staff, email is preferred to a phone call.)

    1. Types of kintsugi workshop (Choose from 2 options below)
      1.  Traditional kintsugi workshop (experience authentic kintsugi using real lacquer and 23KT gold powder on a vessel)
      2. Kintsugi-style workshop (making kintsugi-like accessories using synthetic glue on sea ceramics and sea glasses)
    2. Desired date, time, and hour
    3. Expected number of participants
    4. Location (address)

    Both types of kintsugi workshops take approximately one hour. Depending on the number of participants, the time may be up to 30 minutes longer, but let us know if you wish the workshop to finish in exactly one hour. The price may vary depending on the length of the time.

    We are happy to hear the purpose of your event. If you wish, we can provide detailed explanation of kintsugi history, philosophies, and related information through the presentation. On the contrary, if the participants would like to try handwork more than listening to the presentation, we can do so. 

    Please see the following article to know the difference in content between traditional and kintsugi-style workshops.

    Kintsugi Workshop in Tokyo

    For a large event, we recommend you to contact us at least two months in advance. We have a limited number of kintsugi instructors (kintsugi artists) available, so we need to coordinate them on your requested date. Monday through Friday is easier to coordinate than Saturdays and Sundays.

    We can usually hold the workshop where we can go within an hour by public transportation from Tsugu Tsugu Ebisu studio (Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo). Upon your request, we will first reply to you about the feasibility of holding the workshops based on the date, number of participants, and scale of the event, so please ask us.

    The number of instructors available depends on the number of participants and location. 

    Preparation will begin approximately one hour prior to the start time. Cleanup is usually completed within one hour after the end of the event. This means that we will use the venue for a total of about 3 hours.

    Materials needed for the workshop may be shipped to the venue in advance. We would appreciate your cooperation in receiving and shipping the parcel.

    Having said that, we recommend you to take the workshop at our studios; at Ebisu studio if less than 6 participants, and at Asakusa studio if 13 participants or less. If you take the workshop at our studios, you can not only experience kintsugi, but also learn more about kintsugi because you are surrounded by many authentic kintsugi vessels there.

    2. Price of our on-site kintsugi workshops

      Below is the current price list for on-site kintsugi workshops. (The price may change without notice)

      A schedule arrangement fee of 5,500 yen/group will be charged.

      Basically, your reservation is confirmed upon payment. If the payment is not yet confirmed, we can neither arrange kintsugi artists nor secure enough number of vessels and materials for the day of the event. (No refunds will be made after payment has been made.)

      If the number of participants increases at the last minute, we can accept the increase only when we still have some vessels and materials available, but we may not be able to do so if we do not have enough. Also, it may cause too few kintsugi artists for the number of participants, which may lead to a delay to complete the workshop within the time.

      3. Available language for kintsugi workshops

        Our kintsugi workshop can be hold in English as well as Japanese with the same price. However, not all kintsugi artists can speak English fluently. Depending on the number of participants in the kintsugi workshop and the available kintsugi artists at the time, non-English speaking kintsugi artists may join to support the group to support. However, we always have at least one presenter who can speak English and facilitate the workshop in English.

        4. Can I take home the kintsugi vessels/accessories on the day of the event?

          (1) Traditional kintsugi workshops

          In traditional kintsugi workshops, we use real lacquer called “urushi”. The lacquer must be dried completely in a temperature- and humidity-controlled box for at least one day (recommended three days to one week. Longer is better).

          In the on-site kintsugi workshop, basically, you can take your vessel home on the day. Place the box covered by a plastic bag closed in your warm room (20-30℃) and do not open them for at least 1 day (recommended 3 days to 1 week. Longer is better).

          (2) Kintsugi-style workshops to create accessories

          We will wrap your accessories nicely and give it to you on the day. Please do not use the accessories for at least 24 hours until the synthetic glue has completely hardened.

          5. Location of the kintsugi workshop

            If it takes more than one hour by public transportation one way from our Ebisu studio, the following additional fee will be charged on top of the basic fee.

            • Exceeded time x number of kintsugi artists
            • If the train/express fare exceeds 1,000 yen one-way
            • If the venue is far from the nearest station, taxi fee
            • If the kintsugi artists need to stay at hotel overnight, hotel fee x number of kintsugi artists

            6. Others

              Our traditional kintsugi workshops is becoming extremely popular and sometimes difficult to book. When you just want to experience kintsugi, it is easier and cheaper to make a reservation if you choose traditional kintsugi workshop with no vessel gift (i.e., the participant does not receive the completed kintsugi vessel. Vessels are returned to us).

              If you do not wish to take the vessel home, we will discount 2,200 yen/person from the above price. (Please note that the price is higher than that of a regular workshop at our studios because it includes the cost of a business trip.)

              Everyday, we are working so hard to create vessels for the future workshop participants to provide as many people as possible with the joy of kintsugi.

              We look forward to sharing you with the one-of-a-kind kintsugi experience!



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