Tsugu Tsugu Columns
How to remove the superglue from already repair...
Have you ever repaired a vessel with instant glue before learning about kintsugi? We receive many requests from both Japan and other countries to remove the synthetic glue that has...
How to remove the superglue from already repair...
Have you ever repaired a vessel with instant glue before learning about kintsugi? We receive many requests from both Japan and other countries to remove the synthetic glue that has...
FAQ about Step 2B: Filling the Deep Chips with ...
When repairing a chipped vessel with kintsugi, there are two types of putty to fill the chipped area; Kokuso (刻苧, こくそ) and Sabi-Urushi (錆漆, さびうるし). Kokuso is used to fill...
FAQ about Step 2B: Filling the Deep Chips with ...
When repairing a chipped vessel with kintsugi, there are two types of putty to fill the chipped area; Kokuso (刻苧, こくそ) and Sabi-Urushi (錆漆, さびうるし). Kokuso is used to fill...
FAQ about Step 2 & 2A: Making Mugi-Uruhi to Sti...
In order to stick broken pottery together in kintsugi processes, we make a natural adhesive called "Mugi-Urushi" (麦漆). This article answers to the questions we often receives from our customers regarding Mugi-Urushi...
FAQ about Step 2 & 2A: Making Mugi-Uruhi to Sti...
In order to stick broken pottery together in kintsugi processes, we make a natural adhesive called "Mugi-Urushi" (麦漆). This article answers to the questions we often receives from our customers regarding Mugi-Urushi...
The Philosophy of Kintsugi
The Philosophy of Kintsugi Prologue History of Kintsugi Kintsugi and Japanese Religion Value of Kintsugi Why do Japanese people still do kintsugi? Why Kintsugi is back in the limelight after 2020...
The Philosophy of Kintsugi
The Philosophy of Kintsugi Prologue History of Kintsugi Kintsugi and Japanese Religion Value of Kintsugi Why do Japanese people still do kintsugi? Why Kintsugi is back in the limelight after 2020...
Should I Round the Edge of Broken Ceramics? FAQ...
Thank you for reading my blog.We have been selling our original kintsugi kit, Tsugu Kit, all over the world since 2020. In order to help all of our customers succeed in kintsugi, we have improved our Tsugu Kit more...
Should I Round the Edge of Broken Ceramics? FAQ...
Thank you for reading my blog.We have been selling our original kintsugi kit, Tsugu Kit, all over the world since 2020. In order to help all of our customers succeed in kintsugi, we have improved our Tsugu Kit more...
National Awareness Survey Regarding Kintsugi 2022
Awareness of Kintsugi Has Risen to 74%! Almost every year, we try to conduct a survey to measure the degree of awareness of kintsugi within the Japanese population. We are pleased to...
National Awareness Survey Regarding Kintsugi 2022
Awareness of Kintsugi Has Risen to 74%! Almost every year, we try to conduct a survey to measure the degree of awareness of kintsugi within the Japanese population. We are pleased to...